Thursday, January 22, 2009

Get With The Program

Say Hello to my little friend:

The following conversation is based on a true story:

Mom, answering cell in car: Hi! What's up?
Oldest child: I'm calling to tell you not to worry about picking Z up from music. Mrs Newton called and she will bring him home.
Mom: Oh, that's so nice of her! I'm a bit lost here, anyway. I missed my exit.
Oldest child: How can you be lost, you have a GPS.
Mom: I know, but I am not sure how it works. I haven't brought it in the house to play around with it.
Oldest son, incredulous: You don't know how it works? You turn it on and hit Go Home.

Some car fumbling, oldest daughter plugs it in...and sure enough, on it goes and there is a House icon that says Go Home. Mom hits it. Well, what the heck do you know? The purple lights up a road and all one has to do is follow it. Wow, whatever will they think of next?

Mom: Huh! That worked.
Oldest child: Of course it worked. I programed in our address as soon as we got it.
Mom: Wow. Thanks!
Oldest child: You're welcome.

Cue hysterical laughing and mumbling from Mom. "I don't know how it works...turn it on and hit Go Home..."

Yes, well. Don't think I can't hear you all laughing at me. I can.

1 Comment:

Katie said...

Hey LAC! I followed the link from Facebook. So nice to see how your beautiful family is growing. I, too now have 4 kiddos. Charlotte is 17 months old (and Elliot is 11, Jane is 13 and Henry is 17). I am looking forward to keeping up with you via FB!
